Looking for help?

Are you looking for help with sexually compulsive behavior? Do you think you might have a sexual addiction or an addiction to pornography?

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) is a twelve-step program, patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous, for people struggling with sexual addictions of all kinds. SA has meetings for sex addicts throughout Dallas, Fort Worth, and the surrounding areas. Meeting are free and anonymous, and they are only open to those who are struggling with sexual addiction and are interested in recovery. If you live in or around Dallas/Fort Worth and you think you might have a problem, we invite you to join us for one of our meetings.

For persons who have been affected by the sexaholism of another person, there are regular S-Anon Zoom meetings. To acquire theĀ  link and schedule please email: Awareness.SAnon@gmail.com

Official SA Website